
IBM Harmony Training for Systems Engineering Practitioners

6 Jul - 13 Jul 2021


On-Line Tool Training


6 days




Online / 9 am to 12:30 pm CET


1980 EUR

Overview of IBM Harmony Training for System Engineering Practitioners:

Within three days you will get to know the Harmony workflow for Model Based Systems Engineering and gain practical experience with IBM Rhapsody.

The IBM Harmony Systems Engineering workflow includes best practices for creating models in the requirements analysis, functional analysis, design synthesis and handover phases.  Using the Rhapsody Systems Engineering Toolkit, you will be guided through the systems engineering workflow with practical examples and create your own system model. The automation features of the Systems Engineering Toolkit, which are included in Rhapsody, drastically help you to reduce the time required to create and maintain complex models and the associated formal systematic approach ensures a robust design.

Objectives of this IBM Harmony Training for Systems Engineering Practitioners:

  • Process needs for applying Model Based Systems Engineering effectively
  • Create a project in IBM Rhapsody using the Systems Engineering toolkit and workflow
  • Import requirements into IBM Rhapsody and link Use Cases to System Requirements
  • Capture the Use Case functional flow in Sequence and Activity diagram
  • Define interfaces using Blocks and Ports
  • Describe the system behavior using state machines
  • Define an architecture using Internal Block Diagrams and Block Definition Diagrams
  • Allocate system functionality to architecture by decomposing the black box activity views
  • Verify and validate the model through model execution
  • Define a model-based hand-off

Target audience

  • Project Managers
  • System Engineers
  • Software-level System-Engineers
  • Software Engineers interested in Systems Engineering
  • Systems architects and engineers.
  • Requirements engineers.
  • Interested persons in MBSE or Rhapsody for Systems Engineering.
  • Technical Leaders evaluating new ways of developing software.


  • Systems Engineering experience or interest.
  • Basic know-how of SysML is an advantage but not mandatory.

Course Outline – Topics covered

You will get an effective introduction to Systems Engineering, SysML and Rhapsody. The Topics covered are as follows:

  • Requirements analysis and traceability
  • Use case scenarios
  • Defining Functional flow using sequence and activity diagrams
  • Modeling ports and interfaces
  • Modeling system behavior using state machines
  • Verification and validation through model execution
  • Merging the functional model into an architectural model
  • Allocation of function to structure
  • Hand-off of a subsystem

Customers about our services

soplar s.a.

„We would repeat our decision to choose Rhapsody® at any time. The strikingly improved efficiency, higher quality, and flexibility plus reusability of models make any adverse details negligible. Today we develop more machines with fewer resources in less time."

Reinhold Wüstner

Head of Product Development

SIX Financial Information Ltd

„The EVOCEAN continuous improvement method stabilized our processes and had a positive influence on the quality and on the satisfaction of the employees. I would recommend to use this approach at any time. Continuous improvement must become a part of everyday work."

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management

Mettler Toledo AG

„I would recommend Rhapsody anytime – by using Rhapsody I can reach a new level of programming and efficiency.“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development


A warm praise to the very motivated trainer. The training content is conveyed in a very enjoyable and entertaining way. It was also very good to review the respective training days at the end. Frank Braun was able to answer every question and also tried, as far as time allowed, to address further topics raised.


Systems Engineer

Phonak Communication AG

„Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody® was a critical success factor for developing inspiro within the required schedule and market needs. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, we were able to implement the tool quickly and apply the methodology effectively."

Rainer Platz

Head of R&D

Rhapsody Training Feedback

Ich war mit allem zufrieden. Das war das beste Training, das ich je besucht habe.

Grösserer Automobil Zulieferer

Software Engineer

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Commentaire sur nos formation – Rhapsody

Le formateur a été très bien préparé, a une excellente vue d'ensemble et une connaissance approfondie de l'outil et des processus et méthodes environnants (A-Spice).

Grand fournisseur automobile

Ingénieur systèmes

Bernina International AG

„Dank der Modelle können wir neue Funktionen und Abhängigkeiten visualisieren. Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1‘000 Worte und die grafisch modellierte Abstraktion macht uns Entwicklern das Leben sehr viel einfacher. Gleichzeitig nimmt uns die mit dem Modell verbundene Codegenerierung einen grossen Teil der Arbeit ab!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

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