On-Line Tool Training
6 days
Online / 9 am to 12:30 pm CET
1980 EUR
Within three days you will get to know the Harmony workflow for Model Based Systems Engineering and gain practical experience with IBM Rhapsody.
The IBM Harmony Systems Engineering workflow includes best practices for creating models in the requirements analysis, functional analysis, design synthesis and handover phases. Using the Rhapsody Systems Engineering Toolkit, you will be guided through the systems engineering workflow with practical examples and create your own system model. The automation features of the Systems Engineering Toolkit, which are included in Rhapsody, drastically help you to reduce the time required to create and maintain complex models and the associated formal systematic approach ensures a robust design.
You will get an effective introduction to Systems Engineering, SysML and Rhapsody. The Topics covered are as follows:
31 Mar - 1 Apr
On-Line Tool Training
On-Line (CET 9 AM to 5 PM)
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On-Line Tool Training
On-Line - 9 am - 5 pm - CET
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