
Internet of Things

The Internet of Things links the virtual world with the real one. More and more equipment, goods and everyday objects are equipped with sensors and wireless chips to communicate directly and autonomously with each other and thus can support people or businesses in their activities.

The endeavor is, or should always be, to improve our lives. What used to be dependent from the control of human influence may be automated or can be assisted with the help of the IoT. The network becomes more „intelligent“, may be self-configurable and can control systems. As a result many processes in industry as well as in our lives will change decisively.

Strengthen customer relationships

With the Internet of Things, you have the opportunity to strengthen your customer relationships and promote interactions with your customers. So you may go from a single transaction relationship with individual interactions with your customers to a continuous interaction, which should have a positive effect on customer loyalty and sustainability. Thereby you get direct input from your customers and how they benefit from your products. You get not only a deeper insight into the use of your products, but can also build new services and thus offer more added value to your customers.

Platform is critical

With cloud-based services, you can also build new applications faster. However it is important that these are open and support a broad ecosystem and preferably industry-specific solutions.

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Designing scalable architectures for reuse in Embedded Software Engineering is a challenge. The term Internet of Things (IoT) has become widely used in recent years. Google dictionary defines it as: Internet of things - the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. In this paper we present a way to architect systems for this paradigma of connected things.


Internet of Things

In a world of connected things, which is becoming ever more relevant for the Internet of Things, the challenge is becoming focused on how best to architect reusable things? ConDisSca is our answer.

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IBM Watson IoT Platform

Internet of Things

The IBM Watson IoT Platform ia cloud based platform build on the IBM Bluemix Cloud, which is a PaaS – Platform as a Service. It is built on open standards and can be used for the creation, execution and management of mobile and web applications.

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IBM Rhapsody – Engineering Systems Design

IBM Rhapsody Competence Center

IBM Rhapsody provides a collaborative design and development environment for systems engineers and software developers.

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Customers about our services

Bernina International AG

„For Bernina, abstraction, simulation, reuse and automatic code generation are central for a short time-to-market … and therefore the key of our success!"

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Hamilton Medical AG – Rhapsody

„The direct coupling of design and code with Rhapsody helps us managing the complexity of our products more easily, as design and code remain consistent in the long term.“

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

Perforce Helix Core Kunde welcher verkauft wurde an globalen Leader.

"Perforce Helix Core erfüllt unsere Erwartungen vollumfänglich. Wir haben eine Lösung aus einer Hand auf welche wir uns verlassen können."

Leiter Produktentwicklung

Bernina International AG

„Die Architektur muss von Anfang an richtig aufgesetzt werden und den Voraussetzungen einer modellgetriebenen Entwicklung entsprechen. Ich empfehle jedem Unternehmen, sich Unterstützung von einem externen, erfahrenen Rhapsody Spezialisten wie beispielsweise EVOCEAN zu holen, um die Basisarchitektur gemeinsam zu modellieren.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Phonak Communication AG

„Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody® was a critical success factor for developing inspiro within the required schedule and market needs. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, we were able to implement the tool quickly and apply the methodology effectively."

Rainer Platz

Head of R&D

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Schleuniger AG

„Thanks to the fully automatic code generation with Rhapsody® we could accelerate the software development.“

Thomas Nyffenegger

Team Lead Software


"Ein grosses Lob an den sehr motivierten Trainer. Der Trainingsinhalt wird sehr kurzweilig und auch unterhaltsam vermittelt. Methodisch sehr gut war auch die jeweiligen Trainingstage am Ende nochmals Revue passieren zu lassen. Frank Braun konnte auch jede Frage beantworten und hat auch versucht, sofern der zeitliche Rahmes es erlaubte, auf angesprochenen Themen einzugehen."


Systems Engineer

SIX Financial Information Ltd

“Our vision was to know at all times in which process phase a change is.”

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management

soplar s.a.

„We would repeat our decision to choose Rhapsody® at any time. The strikingly improved efficiency, higher quality, and flexibility plus reusability of models make any adverse details negligible. Today we develop more machines with fewer resources in less time."

Reinhold Wüstner

Head of Product Development

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Digital Adoption

Digital Adoption Platforms to empower the user in the digital World

Digital interaction in the workplace and also in everyday life is becoming more and more the status quo. At the same time excellent user experience and promoting feedback is becoming ever more important. This is especially true for organizations to learn faster as they evolve at increasing pace.

Systems Engineering

Products are more and more complex and interconnected. With the uprising of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the opportunities given by the digitalisation of the Product Life Cycle, aka. Digital Transformation and Digital Twin, addressing better ways is becoming ever more important.

Industry 4.0

With respect to the ongoing digitalization and automation in manufacturing, the concept of “Industry 4.0” goes one step further and is often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution. It applies the principles of the IoT to all processes in an industrial environment and is, in accordance with the definition of industry leader IBM, a synonym for a comprehensive networking of production and supply chains within and outside the company. The goal is a complete intelligent networking of all objects in a production environment and the integration of largely autonomous processes; taking place – vertically for the control and monitoring of machines and plants, horizontally within the value chains, as well as along the entire life cycle of products.

More and more devices will communicate with each other and collect more and more data with sensors providing a hitherto unknown extent of data for analysis. The aim is to shorten delivery times and gain even more flexibility in terms of customer requirements.

Embedded systems that control, regulate or supervise technical processes, are thus increasingly becoming a key driver of product innovation. In many industries, product differentiation is based ever more to a large extent on the software components of these systems. However, their complexity and networking as well as the requirements for safety and reliability are constantly increasing. In line with these developments in terms of value share of software in the products, in production and in the supply chains of innovative industries, this will increase significantly. The software development becomes thus even more important and will further change substantiually. In many companies, the development of new core competencies will increase even more (internally or with partners). The lean orchestration of the development work will become ever more important as developement teams will be distributed increasingly around the globe and further coordination with external partners and suppliers will become more strategic and interlaced. The optimized team collaboration will enable more flexible software development, allowing a better control of risks and changes and will help to increase efficiency by correlating important functions with the business strategy.