
MBSE – SysML with Cameo Systems Modeler

4 Full days

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On-Line Tool Training


4 Full days


English or French


On-line or on-site


2450 EUR


This detailed practical training will show you how to usean MBSE approach, by effectively using the Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw with the SysML profile add-on) from NoMagic / Dassault Systèmes, applying a complete case study.
In particular, you will discover the different levels of abstraction in the specification of a system using the SysML language. The exercises use all SysML structural and behavioral modeling diagrams, including specific SysML representations, such as parametric diagram, tabular and matrix representations. Furhter, also how to take into account requirements is covered. The Course focus on a pragmatic approach to systems engineering with models, using a modeling tool, through the use of exercises and implementing best practices with the Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw).


This practical training will allow you to:

  • Discover the MBSE state of the art applied to complex software-based systems with the basic concepts of the SysML modeling language.
  • Learn to use them effectively on an example of a theoretical application.
  • Put into practice the NoMagic-MagicDraw tool through exercises.

The theoretical/practical ratio is around 40/60%

Target audience

  • Project Managers
  • System Architects
  • System Engineers


  • Systems engineering experience
  • Previous experience with a modeling language such as UML or one of the associated tools is an asset.
  • Cameo Systems Modeler installed and licensed by the trainee or its company.


Course content


  • System engineering reminders
  • The MBSE

Overview of SysML

  • The 9 diagrams
  • First commented example
  • We need a method !

First steps with MagicDraw

  • General presentation of MagicDraw
  • Presentation of the case study
  • Create a project with MagicDraw

Operational analysis (OA)

  • Presentation of the case study
  • Objectives, concepts and diagrams
  • Trainer # 1 Guided Case Study with MagicDraw

System analysis (SA)

  • Objectives, concepts and diagrams
  • From OA to SA
  • Trainer Guided Case Study with MagicDraw # 2

Logical architecture (LA)

  • Objectives, concepts and diagrams
  • From SA to LA
  • Trainer Guided Case Study with MagicDraw # 3

Physical architecture (PA)

  • Objectives, concepts and diagrams
  • Trainer Guided Case Study with MagicDraw # 4


  • Simulation with MagicDraw
  • Documentation generation

Customers about our services

Bernina International AG

„Thanks to the models we can visualise new functions and dependencies. A picture says more than a 1'000 words and the graphically modelled abstraction makes life much easier for us developers. At the same time, the automatic code generation based on the models takes over a substantial part of our work!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Schindler Elevator Ltd.

„Seamless integration of the development environment is one of our critical success criteria. Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody®allows us to generate the code for the target platform direct from the UML model. Integrating the debugger saves us enormous amounts of time in developing complex, embedded real-time applications. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, today we can use this tool efficiently."

Juan Carlos Abad

Project Manager

Hamilton Medical AG

„Employing our platform strategy and Model Driven Development with IBM Rhapsody® enables us to bring our innovations rapidly to numerous ventilation solutions.“

Gion Durisch

Head of Software Development

Perforce Helix Customer sold to global leading company.

"Perforce Helix Core fully meets our expectations. We have a solution from one source on which we can rely."

Head of Product Development

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Mettler Toledo AG

„Now the advantages of our solid foundation work will have a large impact. A model is easy to adapt and maintain and new functions can be integrated very fast. In combination with the automatic code generation and testing we now will be strikingly faster… with a consistent high quality. Today we save time and money – not least thanks to IBM Rational Rhapsody!"

Wolfgang Boos

Head of Software

Bernina International AG

„Die Architektur muss von Anfang an richtig aufgesetzt werden und den Voraussetzungen einer modellgetriebenen Entwicklung entsprechen. Ich empfehle jedem Unternehmen, sich Unterstützung von einem externen, erfahrenen Rhapsody Spezialisten wie beispielsweise EVOCEAN zu holen, um die Basisarchitektur gemeinsam zu modellieren.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect


"Ein grosses Lob an den sehr motivierten Trainer. Der Trainingsinhalt wird sehr kurzweilig und auch unterhaltsam vermittelt. Methodisch sehr gut war auch die jeweiligen Trainingstage am Ende nochmals Revue passieren zu lassen. Frank Braun konnte auch jede Frage beantworten und hat auch versucht, sofern der zeitliche Rahmes es erlaubte, auf angesprochenen Themen einzugehen."


Systems Engineer

Commentaire sur nos formation – Rhapsody

Le formateur a été très bien préparé, a une excellente vue d'ensemble et une connaissance approfondie de l'outil et des processus et méthodes environnants (A-Spice).

Grand fournisseur automobile

Ingénieur systèmes

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SysML with IBM Rhapsody Bootcamp

On-Line Tool Training

On-Line (CET 9 AM to 5 PM)

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IBM Rhapsody for Software Engineers

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On-Line - 9 am - 5 pm - CET

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