
IBM Rational DOORS

Proven, scalable, robust

IBM® Rational® DOORS® is a requirements management tool for systems and advanced IT applications. It is a requirements management application for optimizing requirements communication, collaboration and verification throughout your organization and supply chain. This scalable solution can help you meet business goals by managing project scope and cost. Rational DOORS lets you capture, trace, analyze and manage changes to information while maintaining compliance to regulations and standards.

Rational DOORS provides:

  • Requirements management in a centralized location for better team collaboration.
  • Traceability by linking requirements to design items, test plans, test cases and other requirements.
  • Scalability to address your changing requirements management needs.
  • Test Tracking Toolkit for manual test environments to link requirements to test cases.
  • Integrations to help manage changes to requirements with either a simple pre-defined change proposal system or a more thorough, customizable change control workflow with Rational change management solutions.

If you are looking for requirements management integrated on a common platform with design, change management, or test management capabilities, take a look at DOORS Next Generation. Rational DOORS Next Generation is included in Rational DOORS, giving existing DOORS users with active support and subscription the benefits of both DOORS and DOORS Next Generation.


Customers about our services

Schmidhauser AG

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks to Rational Rhapsody® models, we can discuss new functionalities much better with our customers – even without knowledge of the code."

Peter Bode

Project Manager Mobile Drives

Rhapsody Training Feedback

I was satisfied with everything. This was the best training I ever attended.

Large Automotive Supplier


Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Bernina International AG

„In earlier days, we launched one new product model every year – today several thanx to re-use, which also reduces the time needed for testing significantly."

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Commentaire sur nos formation – Rhapsody

Le formateur a été très bien préparé, a une excellente vue d'ensemble et une connaissance approfondie de l'outil et des processus et méthodes environnants (A-Spice).

Grand fournisseur automobile

Ingénieur systèmes

Phonak Communication AG

„Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody® was a critical success factor for developing inspiro within the required schedule and market needs. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, we were able to implement the tool quickly and apply the methodology effectively."

Rainer Platz

Head of R&D

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Hamilton Medical AG – Rhapsody

„The direct coupling of design and code with Rhapsody helps us managing the complexity of our products more easily, as design and code remain consistent in the long term.“

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

soplar s.a. – Training

„Starting to use Rational Rhapsody®without coaching or training is not recommended. Understanding the why behind certain processes is essential to working effectively. Training with EVOCEAN was very valuable for me in this regard."

Vitali Mozgovoi

Software Developer

Rhapsody Training Feedback

The trainer was very well prepared, has an excellent overview and deep knowledge about the tool and about our surrounding processes (A-Spice) and methods.

Large Automotive Supplier

Systems Engineer