
Perforce Helix Swarm

Scalable Code Review and Collaboration

Collaborative Software Code Review eliminates work environment noise and focuses time on value added tasks. Helix Swarm easily organises and scales code review tickets.

With Helix Swarm monitoring progress, automating design processes and improving release quality is possible with one  solution. Get better collaboration from development with a code review tool that prioritizes reviews, shares content and code review changes, and tests continuous integration deployments.

Helix Swarm Code Review in Action

Fully integrated with Helix Core for automated formal code review, HelixSwarm is a single, scalable tool for distributed teams. By supporting collaborative design environments and enterprise development methodologies, users can build, test, iterate, and release products faster. That’s because Helix Swarm gets every team member talking and makes it easy to keep the conversation going.

Selected Features

Priority Filtering

Sift through 1000s of review requests and identify prioritized actions to unblock ongoing development and stay agile.

Action Item Dashboard

Review all action items at login with an intuitive and collaborative UI that will show which tasks are obstructing development.

Notification Preferenced

Control precisely the notifications you receive, based on your preferences. Customize notification settings to your profile page. Your inbox will thank you.

Smart Filters

Don’t waste time on reviews you don’t want or need. The review panel feature lets users drill down to the workday tasks important to them.

Change Ownership

Never drop a good conversation. Re-assign ownership of reviews for new contributors managing project tasks.

Automated De-Clutter

Want to unclutter your workspace? Clear redundant changelists and shelved files automatically once a review is committed to Helix Swarm.

Customers about our services

Schmidhauser AG

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks to Rational Rhapsody® models, we can discuss new functionalities much better with our customers – even without knowledge of the code."

Peter Bode

Project Manager Mobile Drives

Mettler Toledo AG

„I would recommend Rhapsody anytime – by using Rhapsody I can reach a new level of programming and efficiency.“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development

Hamilton Medical AG

„Employing our platform strategy and Model Driven Development with IBM Rhapsody® enables us to bring our innovations rapidly to numerous ventilation solutions.“

Gion Durisch

Head of Software Development

SIX Financial Information Ltd

“Our vision was to know at all times in which process phase a change is.”

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management

Rhapsody Training Feedback

The trainer was very well prepared, has an excellent overview and deep knowledge about the tool and about our surrounding processes (A-Spice) and methods.

Large Automotive Supplier

Systems Engineer

Mettler Toledo AG

„Development in the embedded area should be platform independent and the used tools should support this!“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development

Rhapsody Training Feedback

Ich war mit allem zufrieden. Das war das beste Training, das ich je besucht habe.

Grösserer Automobil Zulieferer

Software Engineer

Schleuniger AG

„Thanks to the fully automatic code generation with Rhapsody® we could accelerate the software development.“

Thomas Nyffenegger

Team Lead Software

Schindler Elevator Ltd.

„Seamless integration of the development environment is one of our critical success criteria. Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody®allows us to generate the code for the target platform direct from the UML model. Integrating the debugger saves us enormous amounts of time in developing complex, embedded real-time applications. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, today we can use this tool efficiently."

Juan Carlos Abad

Project Manager

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer