

Node-RED - free open source tool for wiring things together

Node-RED is an open-source programming tool for wiring together things in a new and interesting way. Things are hardware devices, APIs, online services etc.

Further Node-RED provides a browser-based editor that eases wiring together flows using a wide range of nodes given in the palette that is deployed to its runtime in a single-click.

In the Internet of Things (IoT) world we want to connect things together. However, sometimes they were not meant to be connected. Node-RED makes this fast and easy.

EVOCEAN developed a Things Execution Framework (TXF) for IBM Rational Rhapsody, such that you can wire the things easily on the fly together with Node-RED. Thus, empowering Model Execution and wiring. You can read more about this on the  ConDisSca product page.

Node-RED Functionalities

Brower-based flow editing

Node-RED provides a browser-based flow editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette. Flows can be then deployed to the runtime in a single-click. Furthermore, JavaScript functions can be created within the editor using a rich text editor. A built-in library allows you to save useful functions, templates or flows for re-use.

Build on Node.js

The light-weight runtime is built on Node.js, taking full advantage of its event-driven, non-blocking model. As a result this makes it ideal to run at the edge of the network on low-cost hardware such as the Raspberry Pi as well as in the cloud. With well over 2oo,000 modules in Node’s package repository, it is easy to extend the range of palette nodes to add new capabilities.

Social Development

The flows created in Node-RED are stored using JSON which can be easily imported and exported for sharing with others. Further, an online flow library allows you to share your best flows with the world.

Getting Started

Node-RED is built on Node.js, taking full advantage of its event-driven, non-blocking model. This makes it ideal to run at the edge of the network on low-cost hardware such as the Raspberry Pi as well as in the cloud.

Run locally, on a device or in the cloud.

You will find this Information and more here.

Customers about our services

soplar s.a.

„We would repeat our decision to choose Rhapsody® at any time. The strikingly improved efficiency, higher quality, and flexibility plus reusability of models make any adverse details negligible. Today we develop more machines with fewer resources in less time."

Reinhold Wüstner

Head of Product Development

Bernina International AG

„Die Architektur muss von Anfang an richtig aufgesetzt werden und den Voraussetzungen einer modellgetriebenen Entwicklung entsprechen. Ich empfehle jedem Unternehmen, sich Unterstützung von einem externen, erfahrenen Rhapsody Spezialisten wie beispielsweise EVOCEAN zu holen, um die Basisarchitektur gemeinsam zu modellieren.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Kern AG

„Even if the change to Rhapsody required at first additional investment and effort – we have never regretted our decision. The fully automatic code generation from the model makes our life easier!“

Andreas Dubach

Head of Development Systems

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Hamilton Medical AG

"Die direkte Kopplung von Design und Code mit Rhapsody hilft uns, die Komplexität unserer Produkte einfacher zu managen, da Design und Code langfristig konsistent bleiben".

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

Mettler Toledo AG

„I would recommend Rhapsody anytime – by using Rhapsody I can reach a new level of programming and efficiency.“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development

SIX Financial Information Ltd

„The EVOCEAN continuous improvement method stabilized our processes and had a positive influence on the quality and on the satisfaction of the employees. I would recommend to use this approach at any time. Continuous improvement must become a part of everyday work."

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management

Bernina International AG

„Dank der Modelle können wir neue Funktionen und Abhängigkeiten visualisieren. Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1‘000 Worte und die grafisch modellierte Abstraktion macht uns Entwicklern das Leben sehr viel einfacher. Gleichzeitig nimmt uns die mit dem Modell verbundene Codegenerierung einen grossen Teil der Arbeit ab!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Perforce Helix Core Kunde welcher verkauft wurde an globalen Leader.

"Perforce Helix Core erfüllt unsere Erwartungen vollumfänglich. Wir haben eine Lösung aus einer Hand auf welche wir uns verlassen können."

Leiter Produktentwicklung

Hamilton Medical AG

„Employing our platform strategy and Model Driven Development with IBM Rhapsody® enables us to bring our innovations rapidly to numerous ventilation solutions.“

Gion Durisch

Head of Software Development