
Perforce Hansoft

Your Agile Tool for Speed, Power and Insights

Hansoft is an enterprise Agile planning tool that provides a single platform for decision-making at the project, program, and portfolio levels. Diverse and dispersed teams, expanding scale, changing goals, tight schedules — Hansoft solves the whirlwind of challenges facing the world’s most ambitious and successful organizations today. So you can plan, track, and manage products faster, more productively, and with unrivaled flexibility.

See Everything

One backlog for the entire organisation – teams, managers, execs.

Scale Agile

Proven at 10,000+ users. Supports large-scale Agile frameworks.

Mix Methods

Supports Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall methods and hybrids.

Boost Efficiency

Accelerates planning efficiency.

Customers about our services

Bernina International AG

„In earlier days, we launched one new product model every year – today several thanx to re-use, which also reduces the time needed for testing significantly."

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect


"Ein grosses Lob an den sehr motivierten Trainer. Der Trainingsinhalt wird sehr kurzweilig und auch unterhaltsam vermittelt. Methodisch sehr gut war auch die jeweiligen Trainingstage am Ende nochmals Revue passieren zu lassen. Frank Braun konnte auch jede Frage beantworten und hat auch versucht, sofern der zeitliche Rahmes es erlaubte, auf angesprochenen Themen einzugehen."


Systems Engineer

SIX Financial Information Ltd

„The EVOCEAN continuous improvement method stabilized our processes and had a positive influence on the quality and on the satisfaction of the employees. I would recommend to use this approach at any time. Continuous improvement must become a part of everyday work."

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management


A warm praise to the very motivated trainer. The training content is conveyed in a very enjoyable and entertaining way. It was also very good to review the respective training days at the end. Frank Braun was able to answer every question and also tried, as far as time allowed, to address further topics raised.


Systems Engineer

SIX Financial Information Ltd

“Our vision was to know at all times in which process phase a change is.”

Michael K. Steinhöfel-Cordova

Head of Quality Management

MCS Engineering AG

"It is very easy to set up and run a Perforce Helix Core proxy server for working with geographically dispersed teams. Downloading data is also very easy. We were amazed at how much time we saved."

Eric Gutmann

Project Leader

Perforce Helix Customer sold to global leading company.

"Perforce Helix Core fully meets our expectations. We have a solution from one source on which we can rely."

Head of Product Development

Mettler Toledo AG

„Now the advantages of our solid foundation work will have a large impact. A model is easy to adapt and maintain and new functions can be integrated very fast. In combination with the automatic code generation and testing we now will be strikingly faster… with a consistent high quality. Today we save time and money – not least thanks to IBM Rational Rhapsody!"

Wolfgang Boos

Head of Software

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Kern AG

„Even if the change to Rhapsody required at first additional investment and effort – we have never regretted our decision. The fully automatic code generation from the model makes our life easier!“

Andreas Dubach

Head of Development Systems