
IBM Rational DOORS Next

Bridge the gap between customers, requirements, and deliverables

IBM Rational DOORS Next generation is IBM’s next generation requirements management solution for complex software and systems engineering environments, helping engineers to work more effectively across disciplines, time zones, and supply chains.

Following is a short overview of the main features

  • Modules – Modules provide structured documents with individually managed requirements in them.
  • DOORS rich client for Microsoft Windows system – Rich client improves productivity when working on large modules.
  • DOORS web client – Fully functional web client for authoring and analysis.
  • Shared Type System – Define and reuse artifact types and their attributes.
  • Built-in dashboards – Dashboards provide information and team visibility.
  • Common administration – Common user, server and project administration with the Jazz Team Server.

IBM Rational DOORS Next is based on the Jazz Technology with the open services for lifecylce collaboration (OSLC) and is part of the IBM CLM collaborative application lifecycle management solution, but is also valuable on itself.

Customers about our services

Schleuniger AG

„Thanks to the fully automatic code generation with Rhapsody® we could accelerate the software development.“

Thomas Nyffenegger

Team Lead Software


"Ein grosses Lob an den sehr motivierten Trainer. Der Trainingsinhalt wird sehr kurzweilig und auch unterhaltsam vermittelt. Methodisch sehr gut war auch die jeweiligen Trainingstage am Ende nochmals Revue passieren zu lassen. Frank Braun konnte auch jede Frage beantworten und hat auch versucht, sofern der zeitliche Rahmes es erlaubte, auf angesprochenen Themen einzugehen."


Systems Engineer

Hamilton Medical AG

"Die direkte Kopplung von Design und Code mit Rhapsody hilft uns, die Komplexität unserer Produkte einfacher zu managen, da Design und Code langfristig konsistent bleiben".

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

Schmidhauser AG

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks to Rational Rhapsody® models, we can discuss new functionalities much better with our customers – even without knowledge of the code."

Peter Bode

Project Manager Mobile Drives

Perforce Helix Core Kunde welcher verkauft wurde an globalen Leader.

"Perforce Helix Core erfüllt unsere Erwartungen vollumfänglich. Wir haben eine Lösung aus einer Hand auf welche wir uns verlassen können."

Leiter Produktentwicklung


A warm praise to the very motivated trainer. The training content is conveyed in a very enjoyable and entertaining way. It was also very good to review the respective training days at the end. Frank Braun was able to answer every question and also tried, as far as time allowed, to address further topics raised.


Systems Engineer

Schindler Elevator Ltd.

„Seamless integration of the development environment is one of our critical success criteria. Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody®allows us to generate the code for the target platform direct from the UML model. Integrating the debugger saves us enormous amounts of time in developing complex, embedded real-time applications. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, today we can use this tool efficiently."

Juan Carlos Abad

Project Manager

Phonak Communication AG

„Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody® was a critical success factor for developing inspiro within the required schedule and market needs. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, we were able to implement the tool quickly and apply the methodology effectively."

Rainer Platz

Head of R&D

Perforce Helix Customer sold to global leading company.

"Perforce Helix Core fully meets our expectations. We have a solution from one source on which we can rely."

Head of Product Development

Rhapsody Training Feedback

The trainer was very well prepared, has an excellent overview and deep knowledge about the tool and about our surrounding processes (A-Spice) and methods.

Large Automotive Supplier

Systems Engineer