
IBM Engineering Workflow Management

Collaborative Lifecycle Management

IBM Engineering Workflow Management ( Team Concert= is the core part of the IBM solution for their collaborative application lifecycle management (CLM, ALM).

Based on the Jazz platform, IBM Engineering Workflow Management provides a lean collaborative lifecycle management solution with agile and formal planning support, project reporting, process workflow, work item management, source code management and build management, in a single integrated product supporting all popular platforms.

This solution offers a no-charge server software and flexible pricing models. It also offers role-based licensing and multiple platform support in a single release, allowing you to implement individual components now and in the future. In addition, IBM Engineering Workflow Management provides collaborative change management capabilities. These capabilities are available separately and can be integrated with popular source control systems. Rational Team Concert helps teams collaborate for faster software delivery and:

  • Enhances team collaboration with integrated features including work-item, build and software configuration management.
  • Provides high visibility into project activities and team progress with multilevel dashboards and reporting features.
  • Facilitates planning and execution of agile or formal projects with planning tools and templates.
  • Consistent processes help improve software quality Helps improve productivity with advanced source control for geographically distributed teams.

For more information about IBM Engineering Workflow Management take up contact with us.

Customers about our services

Rhapsody Training Feedback

I was satisfied with everything. This was the best training I ever attended.

Large Automotive Supplier


Commentaire sur nos formation – Rhapsody

Le formateur a été très bien préparé, a une excellente vue d'ensemble et une connaissance approfondie de l'outil et des processus et méthodes environnants (A-Spice).

Grand fournisseur automobile

Ingénieur systèmes

Phonak Communication AG

„Model Driven Development with Rational Rhapsody® was a critical success factor for developing inspiro within the required schedule and market needs. Thanks to EVOCEAN's support, we were able to implement the tool quickly and apply the methodology effectively."

Rainer Platz

Head of R&D

soplar s.a. – Training

„Starting to use Rational Rhapsody®without coaching or training is not recommended. Understanding the why behind certain processes is essential to working effectively. Training with EVOCEAN was very valuable for me in this regard."

Vitali Mozgovoi

Software Developer

Bernina International AG

„Thanks to the models we can visualise new functions and dependencies. A picture says more than a 1'000 words and the graphically modelled abstraction makes life much easier for us developers. At the same time, the automatic code generation based on the models takes over a substantial part of our work!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Perforce Helix Core Kunde welcher verkauft wurde an globalen Leader.

"Perforce Helix Core erfüllt unsere Erwartungen vollumfänglich. Wir haben eine Lösung aus einer Hand auf welche wir uns verlassen können."

Leiter Produktentwicklung

Bernina International AG

„Dank der Modelle können wir neue Funktionen und Abhängigkeiten visualisieren. Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1‘000 Worte und die grafisch modellierte Abstraktion macht uns Entwicklern das Leben sehr viel einfacher. Gleichzeitig nimmt uns die mit dem Modell verbundene Codegenerierung einen grossen Teil der Arbeit ab!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Rhapsody Training Feedback

Ich war mit allem zufrieden. Das war das beste Training, das ich je besucht habe.

Grösserer Automobil Zulieferer

Software Engineer

Hamilton Medical AG

"Die direkte Kopplung von Design und Code mit Rhapsody hilft uns, die Komplexität unserer Produkte einfacher zu managen, da Design und Code langfristig konsistent bleiben".

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

Schleuniger AG

„Thanks to the fully automatic code generation with Rhapsody® we could accelerate the software development.“

Thomas Nyffenegger

Team Lead Software