
IBM Rhapsody Model Manager

Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM) is a web-based application that extends Rhapsody models to the web for improved collaboration. With RMM you create traceability to other development artefacts such as Requirements Management and you take advantage of advanced configuration management functionalities are part of global configurations of IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Solution. Rhapsody Model Manager enables teams to architect, design, and develop systems and software in an iterative and collaborative way.

Link designs and requirements

With RMM you can establish state-of-the-art linking between model elements in Rhapsody and requirements management artifacts in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® or Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next based on OSLC Technology. You can also link to non-IBM OSLC enabled tools.

Manage change

RMM enables enterprise Configuration Management capabilities to support fine-grained components. Further, RMM leverages parallel development with merge capabilities for Rhapsody models.

Customers about our services

Hamilton Medical AG

„Employing our platform strategy and Model Driven Development with IBM Rhapsody® enables us to bring our innovations rapidly to numerous ventilation solutions.“

Gion Durisch

Head of Software Development

Mettler Toledo AG

„I would recommend Rhapsody anytime – by using Rhapsody I can reach a new level of programming and efficiency.“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development

Schmidhauser AG

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks to Rational Rhapsody® models, we can discuss new functionalities much better with our customers – even without knowledge of the code."

Peter Bode

Project Manager Mobile Drives

Bernina International AG

„For Bernina, abstraction, simulation, reuse and automatic code generation are central for a short time-to-market … and therefore the key of our success!"

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Mettler Toledo AG

„Now the advantages of our solid foundation work will have a large impact. A model is easy to adapt and maintain and new functions can be integrated very fast. In combination with the automatic code generation and testing we now will be strikingly faster… with a consistent high quality. Today we save time and money – not least thanks to IBM Rational Rhapsody!"

Wolfgang Boos

Head of Software

soplar s.a. – Training

„Starting to use Rational Rhapsody®without coaching or training is not recommended. Understanding the why behind certain processes is essential to working effectively. Training with EVOCEAN was very valuable for me in this regard."

Vitali Mozgovoi

Software Developer

Rhapsody Training Feedback

The trainer was very well prepared, has an excellent overview and deep knowledge about the tool and about our surrounding processes (A-Spice) and methods.

Large Automotive Supplier

Systems Engineer

Bernina International AG

„The architecture must be set up in the right way and in conformity with the requirements of model driven development – right from the beginning! I strongly recommend to seek for the support of an external, experienced Rhapsody specialist as for example supplied by EVOCEAN and to model the architecture together.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Perforce Helix Customer sold to global leading company.

"Perforce Helix Core fully meets our expectations. We have a solution from one source on which we can rely."

Head of Product Development

Rhapsody Training Feedback

Ich war mit allem zufrieden. Das war das beste Training, das ich je besucht habe.

Grösserer Automobil Zulieferer

Software Engineer