
IBM Rhapsody OXF Framework

22 Oct - 23 Oct 2019


Tool Training


2 days


English / German


Bückeburg, Germany


1520 EUR


This training offers a deep dive into the Rhapsody Execution Framework including various variants thereof such as OXF, SXF, IDF, Willert RXF. The training includes many hands on exercises of how you can adapt the OXF Framework to meet your specific needs. If you are using Rhapsody Developer Edition this is a very valuable course to use the OXF Framework effectively. The Trainer of the course is the author of the course with very deep and long experience in IBM Rhapsody.

Target audience:

  • Rhapsody User and Specialists
  • Software engineers and developers


  • Knowledge of UML
  • Experience with Rhapsody
  • Experience in developing embedded systems


Composition of Framework

  • Rhapsody OXF Architecture
  • Key Class Definitions

Rhapsody OXF Usage and OXF Sequences

  • OXF Initialisation, Code for Event Handling
  • Client and Server Example of using OXF
  • Application Initialization Order
  • Event Sending and Receiving
  • Timeout Handling, Triggered Operations
  • Sequential Reactive Behaviour
  • Active Class and Multi-Threading
  • Thread-Save Operations using OMProtected
  • Various Running to completion Behaviour
  • Running the OXF Main Loop in separate Thread

Direct Overloading of OXF operations

  • Reading from a Blocking Device in an Active Class
  • Handling Interrupts
  • Reactive Behaviour – User Implementation
  • Reactive Object Serialization

Overloading and Extending the Framework

  • Extending Reactive / Active Behaviour
  • Cyclic Execution of Null triggered Statemachines
  • Extending the Memory Management

Stripping Down the Framework

  • Interrupt Driven Framework
  • Synchronous Framework

Interfaces and Ports

  • Connecting Ports and Interfaces with Links or Code
  • Port Multiplicity and Message Broad- / Multicast

Standard Operations and Stereotype Based Code Generation


Customers about our services

Schleuniger AG

„Thanks to the fully automatic code generation with Rhapsody® we could accelerate the software development.“

Thomas Nyffenegger

Team Lead Software

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

soplar s.a.

„We would repeat our decision to choose Rhapsody® at any time. The strikingly improved efficiency, higher quality, and flexibility plus reusability of models make any adverse details negligible. Today we develop more machines with fewer resources in less time."

Reinhold Wüstner

Head of Product Development

Bernina International AG

„Thanks to the models we can visualise new functions and dependencies. A picture says more than a 1'000 words and the graphically modelled abstraction makes life much easier for us developers. At the same time, the automatic code generation based on the models takes over a substantial part of our work!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Hamilton Medical AG

"Die direkte Kopplung von Design und Code mit Rhapsody hilft uns, die Komplexität unserer Produkte einfacher zu managen, da Design und Code langfristig konsistent bleiben".

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

MCS Engineering AG

"It is very easy to set up and run a Perforce Helix Core proxy server for working with geographically dispersed teams. Downloading data is also very easy. We were amazed at how much time we saved."

Eric Gutmann

Project Leader

Bernina International AG

„Abstraktion, Simulation, Wiederverwendung und automatische Codegenerierung sind bei Bernina zentral für eine kurze Time-to-Market… und somit der Schlüssel zum Erfolg!“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Bernina International AG

„For Bernina, abstraction, simulation, reuse and automatic code generation are central for a short time-to-market … and therefore the key of our success!"

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Rhapsody User Group

Good experts present. Always interesting to meet other Rhapsody users.

Stefan Singler

Software Engineer

Rhapsody Training Feedback

The trainer was very well prepared, has an excellent overview and deep knowledge about the tool and about our surrounding processes (A-Spice) and methods.

Large Automotive Supplier

Systems Engineer

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