
MESCONF – The Modeling Conference

23 Sep 2021




1 Day






79 EUR

MESCONF focuses on the benefits of modeling in the development of embedded systems. Another thematic pillar of MESCONF is model-based systems engineering (MBSE).

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. The constant change is one of the key challenges for companies. Successful companies are those that can react flexibly and quickly to the changing demands of the market with high-quality products.

We are convinced that modeling makes a decisive contribution to achieving this ability. MESCONF has formulated their values and convictions in a manifesto. At the conference, they also want to talk about and discuss this manifesto.

The Conference is in German.

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Kern AG

„Even if the change to Rhapsody required at first additional investment and effort – we have never regretted our decision. The fully automatic code generation from the model makes our life easier!“

Andreas Dubach

Head of Development Systems

Schmidhauser AG

"A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks to Rational Rhapsody® models, we can discuss new functionalities much better with our customers – even without knowledge of the code."

Peter Bode

Project Manager Mobile Drives

Hamilton Medical AG – Rhapsody

„The direct coupling of design and code with Rhapsody helps us managing the complexity of our products more easily, as design and code remain consistent in the long term.“

Andreas Anderegg

Senior Software Engineer

Bernina International AG

„Die Architektur muss von Anfang an richtig aufgesetzt werden und den Voraussetzungen einer modellgetriebenen Entwicklung entsprechen. Ich empfehle jedem Unternehmen, sich Unterstützung von einem externen, erfahrenen Rhapsody Spezialisten wie beispielsweise EVOCEAN zu holen, um die Basisarchitektur gemeinsam zu modellieren.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

Bernina Internation AG

„Früher haben wir pro Jahr ein neues Produktmodell lanciert – heute sind es mehrere dank Wiederverwendung von Modulen, welches auch unser Testaufwand markant reduziert hat.“

Giovanni Annunzio

System Architect

ReqEdit – Supply Chain Solution

"Vow - this is awesome"


Procurement Engineer at an Industrial Mobility Company.

MCS Engineering AG

"It is very easy to set up and run a Perforce Helix Core proxy server for working with geographically dispersed teams. Downloading data is also very easy. We were amazed at how much time we saved."

Eric Gutmann

Project Leader

Mettler Toledo AG

„I would recommend Rhapsody anytime – by using Rhapsody I can reach a new level of programming and efficiency.“

Wolfgang Boos

Head Software Development

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I was satisfied with everything. This was the best training I ever attended.

Large Automotive Supplier


Mettler Toledo AG

„Now the advantages of our solid foundation work will have a large impact. A model is easy to adapt and maintain and new functions can be integrated very fast. In combination with the automatic code generation and testing we now will be strikingly faster… with a consistent high quality. Today we save time and money – not least thanks to IBM Rational Rhapsody!"

Wolfgang Boos

Head of Software

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