

20 May

Garfield – WE LOVE Monday

Today I would like to share our insights why we love Monday, a collaboration tool for better work-, team-, project management. Collaboration is key to success – even more in today’s ever connected world and we want to delight our customers.

However, collaboration can be a challenge and there exist many tools. I have used many different ones in the past, depending on the context from E-Mail, Whats-up, Skype, Trello, Asana, Wunderlist, ToDo, Bitrix24, Salesforce to name a few.  They all have their advantages in selected use cases, but we always found again and again limitations especially for using them in a broader and more holistic sense. As a result, we needed thus to use various in parallel until we stumbled on Monday – which has considerably eased our live and many others seeing their success in the market.

I believe the major advantage of Monday is that it very simple and flexible in it’s heart and keeps that focus. We could adapt Monday to our various needs and with whomever I use it, I always get a positive feedback, even with no training, or a very short introduction – and that is rare.

My challenge in leading a company with a very lean admin and a very distributed team is keeping a simple overview of all the various projects I am involved in.  Having many hats, each of them having different needs and at the same time making sure all other’s are happy and not getting lost in tools. With Monday keeping an overview is just fantastic – it is very visual and we love that. And it is getting better and better – kudos to the Monday team.

The tool is built on a very simple DNA. Basically there are “Boards” which include “Groups” and groups include “Pulses” – pulses can be tasks, activities, but can also be bugs, issues, customers, products … whatever you want to associate to it, depending on the objective of what you need. Pulses have attributes (columns) and each pulse also has a collaboration thread (Chat). You can further associate additional information to pulses such as Files and Q&A.

Adding attributes (various predefined are available) or changing them is easy and straight forward. As such introducing the tool by learning and doing is easy – you can also however start with pre-build boards and adapt from there.

There are three type of boards. Public (these are transparent to your team or company), https://evocean.com/Private (limited to selected team members) and shareable (  i.e. to share with people outside of your company.

There are many more useful aspecst of Monday, such as Dashboards, Automations, Integrations and more which we will go into in our next “Garfield – WE  LOVE Monday” blog series.

You may ask is Monday the “swiss army knife” for collaboration. Maybe for small companies it is, but that is not the real objective, but we do believe it can become the main collaboration hub – ie. the main tool for collaboration in parallel to specific tools for ERP etc. we at EVOCEAN also use Salesforce.


Where do we see the main value?

It is very easy to get started – very visual and simple – and Monday adapts to you – not only on Mondays’s :-).

At EVOCEAN we like opening markets for cool tools, which we believe leverage a better user and customer experience. In a world becoming ever more connected, with various team working on various topics, having a tool which fosters and eases collaboration is a real asset. With Monday we found a tool which perfectly fits our DNA.  For collaboration on any level at a company – of any size – small or large.  For product development, product management, project management, marketing, admin, where ever you need to collaborate and coordinate and whatever you need to get done as a person, a team or a company.

We love Monday! And you?

#mondaydotcom #userexperience #customerexperience #agile #collaboration #newwork

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