
Systems Engineering

21 Sep

Paving the Way towards the Digital Twin

Create more with less – this promise perfectly summarizes EVOCEAN’s objectives when it comes to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). MBSE as such is a well-established and valued way for organizations to enhance their engineering capabilities and efficiency. However, our ambitions are aimed at something even higher.

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7 Sep

Looking for an effective approach to master Systems Engineering?

Is your strategy appropriate to stay ahead in business and bring products and innovation faster to market? Can you manage the increasing product complexity and ensure that the systems meet all functional and nonfunctional requirements? Are you coping with questions about product line or reuse-oriented development? Do you select the right tools and processes, given the rapidly changing technologies? Are you aware of the necessity to design systems as a whole, and to integrate electrical, mechanical and software components as well as human aspects?

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